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How collaboration can be the key to your startup’s success – StartupSmart

By Tahlia Mandie

When starting a new business it can often be challenging to make your mark and be noticed, especially if there are other big players in the game.

What can be even more challenging and isolating is when you’re doing it on your own.

The term collaboration seems to have been thrown around a more lately. Yes, there are even business focused on bringing other businesses together and forming collaborations.

But what you may not realise is that collaborations can be some of the key to your success.

Someone recently told me that the more you give and give back to others, the greater respect and success you will gain. Those that give and help other people naturally build support from other team players and community members.

As a society, we respect those that give acts of kindness, charity and goodwill, without expecting anything in return.

In the long run, you and your company build a reputation – people talk, people want to meet you, people want your product, and people see you as a leader. That is good business.

There can be a misconception about these ‘collaborations’. In fact, not all collaborations have to have a financial benefit and I have recently learnt that these can be in fact the best kind of collaborations.

Since launching Kakadu Plum Co in November of 2015 I have met some of the most amazing people who have been so incredible with their time, wisdom and resources; it has been the key to our growing success. So here are four ways I have built successful collaborations which you can apply to build your business and brand.

The power of Instagram

Most of the collaborations and people I have met have been through Instagram. Like and comment on photos in your area of business. Don’t be shy to DM brands and individuals to take the communication one step further. Often the founders are the ones running the Instagram accounts. Here is something you could use:

“Hi, I love what you are doing and I am a huge fan of your Insta feed (give a compliment). We clearly share a similar passion for health and wellness (share a commonality) and I would love to chat more with you. Can I send you an email? Or maybe a coffee sometime (if you know you live locally)? Tahlia x

Seek a warm introduction

Warm introductions are always better than a “cold call”. If you think you know someone that you want to reach out to, get in touch and ask them if they can do an email introduction. When asking, be mindful that some people will forward on your email request too.


It seems simple and obvious, but the body language we use, and how we use it, is very powerful. Facial expressions are very important when comes to making a good first impression and people can judge you in an instant.

Make use of the platforms

Collaboration hubs and platforms like Hypetap and Collabosaurus have been fabulous to find social media influencers. For next to nothing, it is a great resource to help build brand awareness.

Remember the old proverb saying, “it takes a village to raise a child”. Everyone has the ability to show a little philanthropic tenancy, boost their internal morale and build more relationships. Surround yourself with these vibes.

Tahlia Mandie is the founder and creator of Kakadu Plum Co.

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