{"id":47567,"date":"2023-10-20T15:54:11","date_gmt":"2023-10-20T15:54:11","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/startupsmart.test\/2023\/10\/20\/why-all-startups-should-have-a-post-it-note-roadmap-startupsmart\/"},"modified":"2023-10-20T15:54:11","modified_gmt":"2023-10-20T15:54:11","slug":"why-all-startups-should-have-a-post-it-note-roadmap-startupsmart","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.startupsmart.com.au\/uncategorized\/why-all-startups-should-have-a-post-it-note-roadmap-startupsmart\/","title":{"rendered":"Why all startups should have a Post-it note roadmap – StartupSmart"},"content":{"rendered":"

Walk into any leading corporate or tech company and you\u2019ll immediately be accosted by bright Post-its on all walls.<\/p>\n

For the uninformed, these aren\u2019t a cheap way of decorating \u2013 these capture features or action items for the teams\u2019 product roadmap or development sprints.<\/p>\n

Why put your product roadmap on the wall?<\/h3>\n

It takes people on the journey<\/h4>\n

Like slides in a pitch deck, this is something you can take people to again and again to have a collaborative discussion about where you are and where you\u2019re headed.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s inspirational<\/h4>\n

Rome wasn\u2019t built in a day, but with a series of incremental releases. Showcasing your milestones will showcase the progress you\u2019re making and of the big picture vision.<\/p>\n

Keep the team in alignment<\/h4>\n

As you take on employee one to 100 plus, your communication overhead increases exponentially.<\/p>\n

Taking it out of your brain and putting it on the wall keeps your team focused on the plan, even when you\u2019re not there to relay it.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s a valuable planning tool<\/h4>\n

There\u2019s only so many hours in a day. When you roadmap visually, it\u2019s easy to see where you\u2019ve overcommitted. Use this as a valuable sanity check if you\u2019re trying to do too many things at once.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s a great sanity check tool<\/h4>\n

When you\u2019re down in the detail, shaving yaks, taking a moment to step back and remember the big picture can help you get back on track.<\/p>\n

Creating your visual roadmap doesn\u2019t have to be an arduous task. All you need is:<\/p>\n