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Being the most-wanted – in a good way – StartupSmart

One of our greatest strengths as entrepreneurs can also be one of our greatest marketing stumbling blocks – our vision.


Our ability to disrupt industries and think up products and services that can fill needs our target market doesn’t even know they have yet can make for some incredible businesses and profits.


But for the very big picture disrupters and entrepreneurs with new and unique ideas, it can also lead to a lot of education to convince customers to buy from you.


While you may have the next brilliant idea that people need, if your customer doesn’t want your product it won’t matter how good it is. Still not convinced? Here are three reasons why you need your customer to want what you offer.


1. Want translates to need

I’m sure you’ve experienced it, where you have wanted something so badly you have convinced yourself you need it? It’s the main reason I have so many shoes and notebooks.


While a customer may need your product or service, and even see the purpose or benefit in doing business with you, it doesn’t mean they will want to. Want brings motivation. It is why great ideas that have met customer needs have still fallen flat – customers don’t want them or know why they should want them and fail to act.


2. Want creates urgency

Think about the last time you wanted something. If it was a larger purchase, it might have consumed your thoughts for a while, and if it was a smaller purchase, chances are you bought it immediately.


When the want is strong enough, it doesn’t ease until it’s met. While a need can build interest, a want creates the urgency to act.


3. Want persuades

When a customer wants your product or service they will often push past objections, justify concerns and persuade other decision-makers to come on board. Want increases desire, creates excitement and builds anticipation.


Building a customer’s want for your product or service will make them the best sales person, and if happy with your product or service, they’ll become the best advocate for your business.


Do your customers need and want what you can deliver? How can you create more want for your products and services?


Raising your first round of capital? Starting a crowdfunding campaign? Want to grow your business with Instagram? StartupSmart School can help.

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