hranywhere – StartupSmart
Employing just six staff, hranywhere offers a comprehensive set of HR strategies, processes, resources and tools, with a range of delivery methods tailored to suit each individual business.
“I saw a need in the marketplace for a truly broad service offering. Some recruitment firms purport to offer a full service HR offering but in reality they do not,” Nally says.
“Businesses want expertise and they do not want to always rely on consultants.
“My idea was to gather together an array of practitioners – people who have actually done the HR grunt work in businesses of all sizes – and offer a full range of HR people management services to businesses of all sizes.”
“The niche was a one-stop-shop where all HR people management matters could be handled in one place.”
“We operate on the philosophy that the people issues of an organisation are critical to the success of that organisation, and the solutions to those issues must have a business context.”
According to Nally, the most challenging part of starting up the business was leaving behind the creature comforts of corporate life, but it enabled him to learn a valuable lesson.
“The majority of businesses seek down-to-earth, uncomplicated advice… Corporate Australia overcomplicates operations,” he says. Nally says the best part of starting up his own business is “being able to live what I preach about flexibility and management”.
He also believes he’s in the best business – the business of people. “Anyone can have an idea, anyone can think of an app or a product, but every app producer, every producer of any idea, must involve people,” he says.
“To do this well, and to then assist others to manage their people more effectively, is to be truly blessed. We lack the high revenues of FMCG and consumables, but we assist all types of companies to be great.”
“We are industry-agnostic and can assist any sized organisation to manage their HR better.”