Make a pledge on a crowdfunding site – StartupSmart
One upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, a young Taskmaster worked up the courage to dive off the top diving board at the local pool for the first time.
It was the culmination of a long series of dives, first off the pool edge, then off the starting block, and finally off the small diving board.
Okay, the end result wasn’t exactly a dive per se, at least not in the classical sense of the word. It certainly wouldn’t have won gold in the Olympic diving competition. In fact, it was more of a bellywhacker.
Still, conquering that imposing, giant diving board remains quite the achievement for kids who grow up in the area. One that usually isn’t possible without building some familiarity through those smaller dives first.
Now, let’s fast forward a couple of years (by “couple” I really mean “many” and by “years” I really mean “decades”).
Here you are, about to dive into starting your own business. On this big diving board, there are many rungs of funding you need to prepare to climb. It looks scary, doesn’t it?
Well, instead of taking a big leap of faith and diving in head first, why not try a smaller springboard first?
For example, have you ever placed a pledge through a crowdfunding site such as Kickstarter? Are you familiar with how it works and what the process for placing a pledge is?
If your answer is no, then it’s worthwhile logging on to a crowdfunding site, having a look at some of the projects, and maybe kicking in a small microdonation – even if it’s just $10 or $20.
That way, when it comes time to find funding for your own projects, you’ll already have some familiarity with how the process works from the other end. Because just like the big diving board, it’s a lot less scary when you know what to expect.
Get it done – today!