
Top 10 challenges faced by sole traders – Page 6 of 10 – StartupSmart

6. Authenticity



We live in an age where consumers are faced by a huge number of brands, each jostling for their attention. Buying decisions are made by referring to independent sources, word-of-mouth and increasingly, the internet, and trust in a business is easily broken.


This can be problematic for small businesses and, in particular, a sole trader. How can you persuade a customer to put their faith in a new business that has just one person running it?


How can you appear authentic and trustworthy? Why should they go for you over a large, well-known rival?


The solution?


McGee says: “In the heat of a start-up, it is easy to forget to take time to closely decipher your brand’s values, and what sits at its heart.”


“Let’s face it: who thinks about creating their authentic brand experience while in the midst of the frisson of start-up land?”


“Being on message is, unscientifically, when you are ‘feeling’ right about what you are doing, and this is in direct relation to your interactions with your customers and clients.”


“While expert and well-intentioned advice is frequently priceless, there is a great and liberating point when you decide to go your own way because it is just that: your own. You can’t get more authentic than that.”

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